What is 3D Animation?
3D Animation is the process of creating motion effects with 3 dimensional images and vectors. 3D Animation can be used to create 3D movies, films and frames in a digital environment known as 3D Software.
3D Softwares are the specialized desktop-based applications or environment that creates the illusion of animation or movement by carefully manipulating 3D models or objects in order to export a set of meaningful motion graphics and movies. There are various techniques and methods involved in making 3D Animations known as the Production Process.
The 3D Animation Production Process
The 3D Production Process is divided into three main parts.
1. The Modelling,
2. The Layout & Animation
3. Rendering.
The Modelling is a step that describes the process of creating a three-dimensional object in a particular scene.
The Layout and Animation step describes the object’s location and animation processing for specific scenes.
The Rendering represents the final result or output of the final motion graphics.
3D Animation was evolved from ‘Gumby’ (in 1956) thus creating worlds most famous characters and stories. The history of 3D animation has the form of clay before the start of computer animation. The shape varies slightly for each shot. When you create hundreds or even thousands of photos at the same time, animations are created. This is called Static Motion. In this way, popular characters and plays were created, such as Wallace and Gromit, Sean Sheep and Robot Chicken – the artist who created the first true three-dimensional image of a human form used in Boeing’s short films. Most people associate the term “Computer Graphics” with 3D Animation.
3D animation is modelled digitally and edited by those called Animators. Animators creates the three-dimensional grids that can be edited and released.
A 3D Artist or Animator Must Have Following Qualities
1. Patience,
2. Details,
3. Hard-work,
4. Willingness,
5. Creativity.
Major Difference Between 2D And 3D Animation
1. 2D is 2 Dimensional, cost effective but not too good for animation design,
2. 3D is 3 Dimensional, though expensive but very good for animation design.
Overall Workflow For Creating 3D Animation
1. Concepting,
2. Modeling,
3. Texturing,
4. Shading,
5. Rigging,
6. Animation,
7. Cloth,
8. Hair and Fur,
9. Crowd,
10. Lighting,
11. Rendering,
The Most Popular 3D Animation Software
Some of the most used 3D Animation Softwares include:
1. 3D Max,
2. Maya,
3. Cinema 4D,
4. Soft Image,
5. Mondo,
6. Blender,
Some of the Crowd Simulation 3D Softwares include:
1. Miarmy,
2. Massive,
3. Golaem crowd,
and there are specialized software and plugins such as: Yet and Ornatrix.
Types of 3D Animation Lights
1. Omni light,
2. Directional lights,
3. Spots lights,
4. Area lights.
Why Study 3D Animation?
An increasing number of companies are bringing up the need for 3D Animation professionals. If you are in the look for career opportunities that are available in this field, they are large, and some of them are listed below.
1. You get a lot of job opportunities in the creative industry if you study 3D Animation.
2. You can become a 3D Animation Specialist in an organization.
3. After taking this certification course of the 3D Animation module, you can become a multimedia or creative professional.
4. You can become a Creative Consultant.
5. You can become an Animation Consultant, either freelancing or in an organization.
6. You can become an Advisory Consultant.
7. You can become a Manager of a multimedia business, whether it’s your personal business or an organization.
8. You can become a core 3D Animator, after finishing this module and getting certified.
9. You can become a 3D Animation Functional Consultant for an organization.
10. You can become a team leader in an organization and be responsible for managing 3D Animation development.
11. You can become a creative engineer and a 3D Animation Trainer.
12. You can become a senior 3D Animation engineer commanding high pay.