What Is DBMS?
DBMS is an acronym for Database Management System and it is a software program used for storing and retrieving users’ data by considering appropriate storage structure and security measures. The word “database” is defined as the collection and assembling of electronic records that can be processed to produce useful information.
The Data in DBMS can be read, modified, controlled, managed and organized to perform different types of data processing activities. The data are usually stored and numbered across rows, columns, and tables all of which make the workload of processing and querying of data more efficient.
Types of DBMS
There are different types of databases, and some of them are:
1. Object-oriented,
2. Relational,
3. Hierarchical,
4. Network,
5. Distributed and others.
In a Full-blown enterprise application, manipulation of databases involves mission-critical, security-sensitive and compliance-focused records of items that all have complicated logical relationships with the other datasets and it grows evenly as time goes by and as the userbase increases. As a result, these organizations needs a technological solutions to manage, maintain, process and store the data in the database, in this situation, a database management system comes to use because it allows users to create their own databases judging by their requirements. It is made up of a group of computer programs that manipulate the database and it provides a means to the database. The DBMS takes in a request for the data from an application and then sends commands to the operating system to come up with the specific data.
Features of DBMS
In other to work properly, a DBMS software needs the following features:
Data: DBMS needs data to operate, and it also needs access to database records and metadata to carry out its basic functions. These data could include files like a dictionary of data representing data flows, customers in business, staff in an organization, students in a school, and relationships to other records or objects.
Software: A DBMS is basically a system software program that can be classified as a data management tool or a means to communicate with, and manage databases. The link also spreads across “real-world” physical systems that generate data to the backend databases. The Operating system, hardware infrastructure, and networking capabilities are all involved in generating, accessing, managing and processing databases.
Query processor: The Query processor, being one of the basic components of the DBMS, functions as a direct link between users and the DBMS data engine to send query requests. When a user enters an instruction in a structured query language, the command is carried out from the high-level language instructions to a low-level language that the computer can understand and process to perform the correct DBMS functionality. aside from just parsing and translating, the query processor also ensures fast processing and accurate results by optimizing the queries.
Database Languages: Database languages are the features of a database management system that is used to access, modify, store and retrieve data from the database, The types of DBMS languages include Data Definition Language (DDL), Database Access Language(DAL), Database manipulation Language(DML) and Data Control Language.
Reporting: Reporting is a useful feature of a DBMS software because it extracts useful information from database files and displays it in an arranged format based on the user-defined specifications. this information is useful because it can be used for later analysis, decision making or business intelligence.
Database Engine: A database engine is a fundamental component within the DBMS software solution that carries out the main tasks of data storage and retrieval.
Benefits and Advantages of DBMS
Below are some of the benefits and advantages of using a DBMS system
DBMS Reduces Data Redundancy
DBMS offers Sharing of Data
DBMS offers Privacy
It offers Data Security
Easy Backup and Recovery of Data
Search Capability
Simplicity of Use
Data Migration
DBMS Solves Enterprise and Individual Data Storage Requirements
Powerful User Language
Cost of Maintenance is Lower
Very Less Chances of Lossing data
DBMS is Consistent
DBMS Saves Time
Easy Retrieval of Data
Major Components of DBMS
There are four major components of DBMS, they are:
Users, Software, Hardware and Data.
Users: Consist of Database Designers, Database Administrators and the End-Users.
a. Database Designers: are the individuals who actually work on designing the database.
b. Database Administrators: are the individuals in charge of maintaining and administrating a DBMS.
c. End-Users: this are individual who uses the product after it has been fully developed.
Software: This controls the organization Storage Management and Retrieval of Data. Examples of database software includes MSSQL 2012.
Hardware: The hardware can range from PC, to network components and it also includes storage devices such as hard disk and input/output devices such as monitor and printer.
Data: Data stored includes both numerical and non-numerical data.
DBMS Study
In the Full Course, you will learn everything you need to know about DBMS with Certification to showcase your knowledge and competence.