What is JAVA?
JAVA is a high-level, object-oriented programming language that was initially created by Sun Microsystems and published in 1995. Java programs can be run on a lot of platforms, such as Windows, Linux, and Mac.
JAVA is widely known to be multi-purpose programming language that is designed to be both concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and also it is specifically programmed to run with very few dependencies as possible in any machine. It is intended to let software application developers “write once, run anywhere” hence the word WORA, meaning that Java codes after being compiled, can run on all the platforms that support Java without the need for you to recompile the code.
For example, you can code and compile a Java program on a Linux machine and run it on Microsoft Windows, Mac, or another Linux machine without any change to the source code. WORA is made possible by compiling a Java program into an intermediate language known as bytecode. The format of java is platform-independent. A virtual machine, known as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), is used to run the bytecode on various platforms.
Features Of JAVA Programming
There Are Lots Of Features Of Java And Some of Them Are:
1. Object-Oriented: everything in Java Logic is an Object. Java can be easily modified and extended since it is based on the Object model.
2. Platform Independent: Unlike many other programming languages, for example, C and C++, when a Java Code is compiled, it is not directly compiled into machine code, instead it is compiled into a platform-independent byte code. This byte code can be distributed over the internet and can then be interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on whatever your platform of choice is that it would be run on.
3. Simple: Java is created with a goal to make it easy to learn. If you can understand how the Object-Oriented design concept works in java, it would be easy to master Java.
4. Secure: With Java’s security features, implemented from the start of development, you can develop tamper-free systems. Also, authentication techniques are solely dependant on public-key encryption.
5. Architecture Neutral: Java compiler produces an object file format that is architecturally neutral, and it also makes it possible for the compiled code to be executable on many processors, with the presence of a runtime system.
6. Portable: Being architecture-neutral and having no software implementation-dependent aspects of the specification makes Java programs to be portable. Java compilers are written in ANSI C with a boundary on clean portability, which is a subset of POSIX.
7. Robust: Java makes an effort to remove errors by making error checking very strict and also checking for error at runtime.
Benefits Of JAVA Programming
1. Multithreaded: With Java’s multithreading feature you can now write programs that can carry out many tasks simultaneously. This design feature makes it possible for the developer to create highly interactive applications that can run very smoothly.
2. Interpreted: Java byte code is translated on the go into native machine instructions and is not saved anywhere else. The process of development with Java is more fast and analytical since it is a step by step and light-weight process.
3. High Performance: With the use of Just-In-Time compilers, Java makes sure that your programs are developed with very high performance.
4. Distributed: Java is created for the distributed environment of the internet.
5. Dynamic: Java is seen by many as a language that is more dynamic than C or C++ because Java is designed to easily adapt to a changing environment. Java programs can carry a number of run-time information that can be used to verify and resolve objects quickly.
This extensive course would give you a complete understanding of JAVA Development.