What is K Programming?
K Programming is a proprietary array processing software programming language that was developed by Arthur Whitney and later made a commercial product by KX Systems.
K Programming Language serves as the base for kdb+, which is a column-based, in-memory, database, and other related financial products. The language which was originally developed in 1993, is a modification of APL and is made up of elements of Scheme. Advocates of the language maintain its facility/speed in handling arrays, and expressive syntax, and is a real-world language made for real use and sold as a real product, it is not intentionally obfuscated or made to be intentionally strange.
K Programming has the same key features as APL. They are both interpreted, object-oriented and interactive languages noted for their very expressive and concise syntax. They have manageable rules of precedence based on evaluation fro right to left. The languages are made up of a rich set of primitive functions that are designed for processing arrays. These primitive functions include mathematical operations that work on arrays as whole data objects, and array operations, such as reversing or sorting the order of an array. In addition, the language includes special operators that merge with primitive functions to carry out various types of iteration and recursion. As a result, complex and extended dataset transformations can be represented as a chain of sub-expressions, with each link handling a segment of the calculation and passing the results to the next link in the chain.
Like APL, the primitive functions and operators are designated by single or double characters; however, unlike APL, K limits itself to the ASCII character set. To allow for this, the collection of primitive functions in K is smaller and heavily overloaded, with each of the ASCII characters depicting two or more distinct functions or operations. In a given expression, the actual function that is referenced is determined by the context. As a result, expressions in K can be opaque and difficult to parse for humans.
Features of K Programming
Some of the features of K include:
1. Object-Oriented: K is completely an object-oriented programming language. Each and every value in K is an object. Every object has a class and every class has a superclass. Every single code has its characteristics and actions.
2. Flexibility: K is a flexible language as you can easily redefine, remove or add existing parts to it. It allows its developers to freely modify its parts as they wish.
3. Mixins: K has a feature of single inheritance only. K has modules as well as classes. A module has methods but it has no instances. Rather, a module can be mixed into a class, which then combines the method of that module to the class. For each satisfiable class, provide an example of an instance with satisfying assignments to the properties. Note, this is not the only possible solution to the class, rather one of the potentially many solutions. If no solution is possible (i.e. the class is NOT satisfiable), then K will provide you a corresponding report.
4. Visual Appearance: K programming generally prefers keyword in English.
5. Dynamic Typing: K is a dynamic software programming language. Programs developed with K are not compiled. All modules, classes and method definitions are completed by the code when it executes.
6. Variable Constants: In K, constants are not actually constant. If a constant that has already been initialized is to be modified in a script, it will simply bring up a warning but will not stop your program from executing. It proves that classes with given constraints are satisfiable. If your constraints are specified at the top level without any classes, that is fine as well. The constraints will be proven satisfiable at the top level.
7. Primitive Types: K currently has the following primitive types: Int, Real, Char, String, Bool.
8. Classes: Classes are a basic method of encapsulating all relevant information, properties, functions, etc. about a single entity. They provide the simplest approach for abstracting a concept or concrete entity and representing it in your model/program.
9. Properties: Properties are attributes that you want to be associated with a particular concept.
10. Inheritance: K supports inheritance (multiple as well as single) between classes. Inheritance works in a manner similar to other languages such as Java, with the one difference that in K, sub-classes not only inherit the properties and functions of the parent class(es) but also the constraints.
11. Functions: K supports the definition of functions, which essentially are named parameterized expressions. A function can be applied to a list of arguments and return a value.
Benefits of K Programming
There are many benefits and advantages of K programming and some of them are:
1. K is an open-source and community development project.
2. The learning curve of K is very swift, newbies to programming can pick up with the syntax easily.
3. K has a user-friendly data Structure.
4. Productivity and Speed with K are very high.
5. K has extensive support for third-party libraries and modules.
6. K is an object-oriented software programming language
7. Exceptional language for dealing with mathematical analysis, financial prediction and handling bulk data.
8. K has bindings to other languages such as Java, C, Visual Basic, and Excel.
9. Though an interpreted language the source code is compiled internally
10. It’s built-in interprocess communication and binary format for objects is very simple and documented, making other system interaction easy.
Why Study K Programming?
1. K treats everything as an object, meaning that you can use it to model real-world applications.
2. K can be used to develop systems applications and software that are highly scalable.
3. Since K compiles its source code internally, it is extremely fast.
4. Job opportunities and career advancement.